The Emerald Damselfly Lestes sponsa, is arguably the finest of our local damselflies. The adult male has glorious colouring and bright blue eyes and both the female and male display a rich golden brown together with an emerald green when immature. Population numbers seem to be of a low density here although individuals can be encountered at a variety of habitats including ponds with lush vegetation and almost dried up shallow areas in late summer.
Another Emerald Damselfly new to the Isle of Wight list is Lestes barbarus the Southern Emerald Damselfly. This species has been breeding in a forest location for the last five years, however numbers seem to be declining recently. The first individuals appear from their two dry shallow scrape-like ponds in late May and when conditions are right they are recorded until almost mid October. Evidence of mating pairs is not usually seen until August when the scrapes are completely dry.
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