Saturday 17 August 2024

Summer Dragonflies in the Garden.

Dragonfly sightings seem to have been somewhat meagre this season.Therefore I was pleased to see this male Migrant Hawker in my garden yesterday.The other species predominent at the moment is the Common Darter that has spread itself throughout the garden.At my pond all is quiet with a male Common Darter on station,whereas the once common Azure Damselfly is all but gone.

Monday 15 July 2024

More Dragonflies at Bouldnor.

Last Saturday was bright with sunny spells and the dragonflies at the ponds in Bouldnor Forest  were active.The most prominent species of the day was the Emerald Damselfly,with several males to be seen.Among the others on show were a pair of  mating  Black-tailed Skimmers and Broad-bodied Chasers, with numerous emerging Common Darters, a couple of Blue-tailed Damselflies,a mature male Ruddy Darter, and Emperor Dragonflies.A first of the season sighting was this immature Southern Hawker.


Monday 17 June 2024

Dragonflies at Bouldnor.

A very bright,sunny, and warm afternoon in Bouldnor Forest today which certainly encouraged plenty of activity at the ponds. This resulted in a first sight of  the year of a female Emerald Damselfly together with another first of the season,a male Black-tailed Skimmer. Emperor Dragonflies were very prominent,especially the males patrolling the ponds.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Broad-bodied Chasers Take Over the Garden.

Over the last few days Broad-bodied Chasers have been very active in and around my garden pond. More than one female have oviposited in the pond with males visiting and taking station close by. This immature male in particular has spent some time in the sunny flower border  outside my back door and as can be seen is maturing.


Thursday 23 May 2024

Activity at Bouldnor.

A visit to the ponds in Bouldnor Forest today was rewarded with the first Common Darter of the year.At least two were observed flying away from the pond edge and into the surrounding gorse. Broad-bodied Chasers were also evident with several males occupying the array of shallow ponds at the site. This male Four-spotted Chaser was  seen,patrolling his section of a pond. Other species recorded were Azure,Large Red, and Blue Tailed Damselflies.


Sunday 12 May 2024

More Broad-bodied Chasers.

With the visit of two female Broad-bodied Chasers to my garden pond  a couple of days ago,it is not surprising that today a first male Chaser spent some time at the pond. Although perhaps not fully mature this male is no doubt on the lookout for females.


Friday 10 May 2024

First Broad-bodied Chaser of the Season.

We are currently enjoying a period of warm,sunny weather and the dragonflies are responding with plenty of activity at my garden pond. Apart from the Large Red Damselflies there were at least two Broad-bodied Chasers  seen today in the garden. Both were female and they spent some time in sunny spots and at the pond.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Beautiful Demoiselles on Display.

Following a cloudy start to the day the sun appeared around noon and I enjoyed a pleasant walk along the wooded banks of Shalfleet Stream. At a favoured spot there were at least six immature Beautiful Demoiselles to be seen.The first of the year and in all close to twelve individuals were recorded  in this short stretch stream today.

Immature male


Immature female

Thursday 18 April 2024

Garden Large Red's.

Since a first sighting of a Large Red Damselfly in Bouldnor Forest on the 8th of April,the weather has been cool and windy.However today the brisk winds have gone and that has allowed the temperatures to rise in the spring sunshine. As a result the first damselfly was observed in my Freshwater garden this morning. This immature male Large Red probably emerged from the pond next door seeking a warm sunny spot.

Monday 8 April 2024

Large Red's Take the Stage.

The mild temperatures of the last several days prompted me to  pay a first visit of the season to the ponds at Bouldnor  near to Yarmouth. At the old pond it was not too long before I counted four teneral Large Red Damselflies that I disturbed from the reeds around the pond edge. They quickly fluttered  into the shrubbery  and out of sight Walking to the new ponds in the forest  I was fortunate enough to encounter another teneral  Large Red.He did not fly away at once and the individual can be seen below.